You've gotta start somewhere
I've done other videos before (see them on youtube). But this is the first fiction one that I wrote AND directed. Everything else I've done was an interview.As much as I wish I had done a better job, I dedicate this to Sekou and Anthony, and Elimu and all of my other associates in Hollywood who work very hard to try and entertain you. They know who they are. And it's a very hard job that they do.
This is my first attempted short film. And I finished it on time. AND, I'll make another.
AND, it will be much better than this.
Thank you so much to The Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) for teaching people like me that it's never too late to make a statement.
It was HELLA FUN. Especially with my son there...
He's a handsome chip off the old block. But I may be biased...
I look forward to your feedback below.
Tell me whatcha think!