I am in love with Senator Elizabeth Warren.
She's been through hell and back with the President. A real consumer expert, the President originally wanted her to be the leader of his new Federal Consumer Watchdog Organization. But Congress hated her bank-hunting ways, and Obama ended up throwing her under the bus, just a bit, rather than fight for her. She was still good enough for him to steal some lines from her, though.
Later, she would go on to whip some Scott Brown incumbent be-hind in the US senate race for the Mass. junior senator position and proudly reclaim Uncle Ted's seat.
But here, in the clip below, she really "struts her stuff," as she grills SEC regulators over a flame of inquiry. The type of inquiry, that is impossible to answer. When I say "struts her stuff," I mean that in a good way. The best of ways.
She begins with a question that most Americans can relate with. Why are banks that commit crimes never prosecuted with fervor? Near the end, she finishes with a statement that anyone who has ever been prosecuted, I'm certain will relate with.
In the tradition of Uncle Ted Kennedy. I just love this woman. I'm looking for some real "hopey-changey" stuff to occur on her watch in the future.
To me, this is what a senator is supposed to sound like. She's cute too. They should make me a prosecutor for a Wall Street Bank. That would be a nightmare for them.