You should watch this lecture. But if you don't, you have my notes. You're welcome America.
This is my favorite lecturer, Ya'll. Lend him your ear. Notes from Simon Sinek. The expert on Leadership:
Your body is a machine. There are four biochemicals responsible for your happiness:
The first two are selfish Chemicals. In other words, you don't need others to indulge in them.
ENDORPHINS: Designed to mask physical pain. They are the reason you run, and feel no pain until long after you stop running. It's the endorphin rush. When you laugh hard, your organs convulse. The reason why that doesn't hurt is cause of Endorphins. But then they run out. That's what happens when you laugh so hard, it hurts. Your Endorphins have run out.
DOPAMINE: Responsible for the feeling you get when you've accomplished something you've set out to accomplish. The purpose of this chemical is to get you to get things done. It goes into action when you cross something off your "to do" list. We get a shot of it even after we accomplish eating...
Dopamine is HIGHLY ADDICTIVE. Other triggers for Dopamine = Alcohol, Nicotine, Gambling and even your cellphone. The addictive quality of Dopamine is the real reason that many people are easily distracted, or have problems paying attention; wrongly attributed to Attention Deficit Disorder. You can even get addicted to performance through dopamine. Dopamine is the reason people write down their goals. Ever forget something on your "to do" list, then do it, THEN write it down THEN cross it out? You wanted the Dopamine "fix."
The last two chemicals recognize our need too be social with others:
SERATONIN: Called the "leadership chemical," responsible for feelings of pride and status. The reason for the Oscars and Grammy awards. The reason for commencement ceremonies, instead of just a email saying "you've graduated." With Seratonin in your veins, your confidence goes up also. But the real rub, is that as you graduate in that commencement ceremony and your Seratonin levels go up, so does those of your loved ones watching you walk across the stage. In this way, Seratonin reinforces the relationships between parent and child, boss and successful employee. Aunt and nephew. On the other hand, Seratonin is the reason why we display false status.
OXYTOCIN: The best chemical of all. It's the reason why we love friendship. The intense feeling of safety that someone's got your back. Why hugging matters. The way relationships are solidified: Physical touch and human generosity. The reason why you shake hands after a deal. It's the reason for the mother-child bond.Acts of human generosity also release this chemical; real generosity, not material. Oxytocin requires that you give something you'll never get back. The person on the receiving end gets a shot too. In fact, witnessing acts of generosity releases Oxytocin too. Additionally, it boosts your immune system. That's why people who are happy, live longer.
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