Hi, I'm Jamal. A Cane-Head.

I'm giving up sugar. 

About a week ago, I posted the following rant to my alias on Facebook:
"Here's the deep part... 
Never fail to respect the power of marketing. All these years I thought I loved Banana pudding and banana bread. Why didn't I just eat more raw bananas? They taste better, they're better for me, and they are even cheaper. 
Because I had to find a way to eat it packed with sugar, that's why. I've been paying corporations to take a banana, pack it with sugar, and sell it to me as a natural product. For four decades.
I just went to the store and bought a banana. It costed me 35 cents in New York City, where NOBODY is growing them. Banana bread costs 1.50 at the same store. 
Maybe if that company, Little Debbie, put a ten billion dollar ad campaign together, we would have more poor kids eating bananas, instead of banana bread, which would ease their pockets and their obesity. But, of course, nature doesn't have an ad agency. And Little Debbie already has their product line: Flavored sugar. 
The quality of your knowledge is the quality of your life."

Okay, so maybe the rant could've been referenced-checked better, but like all beautiful, unplanned, wild-eyed rants, you get my point. Let's bring it to now.


No, I'm not kidding. Elizabeth Warren for President.

I am in love with Senator Elizabeth Warren. 

She's been through hell and back with the President. A real consumer expert, the President originally wanted her to be the leader of his new Federal Consumer Watchdog Organization. But Congress hated her bank-hunting ways, and Obama ended up throwing her under the bus, just a bit, rather than fight for her. She was still good enough for him to steal some lines from her,

Later, she would go on to whip some Scott Brown incumbent be-hind in the US senate race for the Mass. junior senator position and proudly reclaim Uncle Ted's seat.


Very very interesting..

The Hacking Group "Anonymous," makes a statement about ex-cop and navy man Christopher Dorner, who's currently hunting down employees of the LAPD in southern California.

Have you heard of him? Or were you living under a rock?

Anonymous calls him, "The Dark Knight Christopher Dorner." This video, is in essence, a statement of support. I too, identify with Mr. Dorner in many ways that I won't name on this particular post, sans the 50 caliber automatic weapons and the deathwish.

Tell me what you think about the video below. I think it's well done.

More on this issue later...


Chris Dorner is dead. 2/13/2013. I think they burned his cabin down Waco-style.


This is one GREAT lecture.

Delusional Optimism
In the lecture I've posted below, acclaimed journalist, author and political activist Barbara Ehrenreich explores the darker side of positive thinking.

I post it because it best addresses some of the problems I had with what I call "extreme optimism." I am an optimist with regard to reality. But with extreme optimism, my main problem, is that it always sounds a little bit delusional to me. And you will see from the video below, there are many bad ramifications of American culture accepting this ideology (as seen in the mortgage financing market, starting in 2007).

"What could be cleverer as a way quelling dissent than to tell people who are in some kind of trouble, poverty, unemployment, etc... That it's ALL their attitude.... It's a brilliant form of social control." -Barbara Ehrenreich 

Recently, I had to go to an important hearing, the results of which affect my future. A close friend told me, previous to my arrival at the hearing, "you've got to claim it and OWN it," in reference to the hearing going well.

What does that mean? Am I not being optimistic enough in assuming that I have a 50/50 chance in a decision where there can only be two results?

I recommend this ten-minute video for anyone seeking a greater understanding of American culture in regards to it's willful ignorance of reality, which is never a good thing in my book.

This, is an argument for REALISM. We are not hard-wired to be optimistic. We are hard-wired to be vigilant. That's the point of this lecture.

What do you think of this? I'd love to know. Comment below.

CRIMINALS ARE PEOPLE TOO! A rebuke of an NRA Argument

Why the NRA should stop using criminals as scapegoats rather than deal with the proliferation of dangerous weapons.

Welcome to my first video. Feedback is very much appreciated. I certainly expect them to improve. 

No More long delays...